
Exports of the Highest Danish Quality

Danepork Eksport

Sales to the entire world

Slaughter, cutting, deboning and packing takes place at the same location in Denmark. We have contracts with Danish farmers, who deliver all the pigs to DanePork. The pigs are born and raised in Denmark.

We work to the highest standards and are BRC, GRMS, HACCP og SSOP certified. 

Your options:

  • We cut, sort and pack according to customers’ needs - this may be IWP, IVP or bulk.
  • We have a fully specified product catalogue of our products containing master data and images.
  • We do markings in local language.

We are approved for export to the following countries

EU, Vietnam, China, South Korea, Canada, Malaysia, USA, Mexico, The Phillipines, South Africa, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan.

Your point of contact

Jakob Søgaard

Jakob Sögaard

Export Director


+45 9339 3646

Keld Bundsgaard

Keld Bundsgaard

CSO Scandinavia


+45 2287 9375

Blank Profile Pictur

Tomasz Gudwicz

Export Manager


+45 2464 2183