Born, raised, slaughtered and processed in Denmark

10755 Danepork Kiddegård 015

The Finest Meat Supplied by Danish Farmers

We provide the highest quality meat that meets rigorous production standards, allowing us to supply meat worldwide.

Our dry slaughter process and gentle cooling techniques ensure that the meat you purchase delivers crispy crackling and an exceptional taste experience.

10755 Danepork 088

Flexibility, Craftsmanship and Quality

We are innovative and continuously optimize our production processes to meet the evolving needs of our customers, while always ensuring that our craftsmanship remains of the highest standard.

Our production equipment is designed for quick adaptation to all types of cuts, enabling us to provide fast delivery times for our customers.

Your Point of Contact

Keld Bundsgaard

Keld Bundsgaard

CSO Scandinavia

+45 2287 9375

Jakob Søgaard

Jakob Sögaard

Export Director

+45 9339 3646

Blank Profile Pictur

Tomasz Gudwicz

Export Manager

+45 2464 2183